Do Guinea pigs need vitamin C supplement?
Guinea pigs can't provide their own C-vitamin, so you've to ensure that your pets gets adequate vitamin C in their daily feed.
How come cavy needs ascorbic acid?
You may be having vitamin and mineral pills to be sure to consume enough vitamins, but you should also make confident that your guinea pig receives adequate vitamins. Distinct from most other mammals, guinea pigs are unable to form ascorbic acid in their body system.
The ways to give your guinea pig vitamin c
The good news is, you can effortlessly give your guinea pig vitamin c and you can attempt this number of ways:
When you give food to your guinea pig with fresh greens, choose vegetables and fruit with high high content of C- vitamin. Use for example, parsley (that guinea pigs love) which includes approx. 40 times as much vitamin C as carrots. Also bell peppers, broccoli, rose hips and orange contains a lot of C- vitamins but you should solely feed the orange as well as other citrus fruits once a week, because the acid that they contain may damage your guinea pig teeth's when the get it too often.
Look for feed pellets made designed for guinea pigs - they usually are added vitamin C
Vitamin C droplets can be put into drinking water.
Ascorbic Acid sadly rapidly cease working in water, so it's not the best way to do it, and you can risk that your guinea pigs don't like to drink water because it tastes wrong
If your guinea pig is expecting, it should have double the amount vitamin c usually!
Shit Vitamins
if you find that your guinea pig eats some of his own waste, do not be afraid, there is nothing wrong with your guinea pig, when it eats its own feces it reuse some minerals, vitamins and microorganisms that it needs to be healthy. If you look hard you may notice, that it only consumes some waste that looks slightly distinct, they are smaller sized and looks softer.
Indications of vitamin c deficiency
Already after 2 weeks without vitamin c, your cavy well-being is influenced.
Check for the following symptoms because they may be a sign of that your pet cavy doesn't get sufficient C-vitamin: diarrhea, losing weight or eating under usual. Also a uncared for coat could be a sign of vit c lack.
When you eat your own vitamins think that also your cavy needs natural vitamins and sensible food.
How come cavy needs ascorbic acid?
You may be having vitamin and mineral pills to be sure to consume enough vitamins, but you should also make confident that your guinea pig receives adequate vitamins. Distinct from most other mammals, guinea pigs are unable to form ascorbic acid in their body system.
The ways to give your guinea pig vitamin c
The good news is, you can effortlessly give your guinea pig vitamin c and you can attempt this number of ways:
When you give food to your guinea pig with fresh greens, choose vegetables and fruit with high high content of C- vitamin. Use for example, parsley (that guinea pigs love) which includes approx. 40 times as much vitamin C as carrots. Also bell peppers, broccoli, rose hips and orange contains a lot of C- vitamins but you should solely feed the orange as well as other citrus fruits once a week, because the acid that they contain may damage your guinea pig teeth's when the get it too often.
Look for feed pellets made designed for guinea pigs - they usually are added vitamin C
Vitamin C droplets can be put into drinking water.
Ascorbic Acid sadly rapidly cease working in water, so it's not the best way to do it, and you can risk that your guinea pigs don't like to drink water because it tastes wrong
If your guinea pig is expecting, it should have double the amount vitamin c usually!
Shit Vitamins
if you find that your guinea pig eats some of his own waste, do not be afraid, there is nothing wrong with your guinea pig, when it eats its own feces it reuse some minerals, vitamins and microorganisms that it needs to be healthy. If you look hard you may notice, that it only consumes some waste that looks slightly distinct, they are smaller sized and looks softer.
Indications of vitamin c deficiency
Already after 2 weeks without vitamin c, your cavy well-being is influenced.
Check for the following symptoms because they may be a sign of that your pet cavy doesn't get sufficient C-vitamin: diarrhea, losing weight or eating under usual. Also a uncared for coat could be a sign of vit c lack.
When you eat your own vitamins think that also your cavy needs natural vitamins and sensible food.
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