Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Best Information Before Buying a Guinea Pig

For your guinea pig health care you should know some common guinea pig diseases and their remedies.


Signs include wheezing, difficulty breathing, tiredness, lack of appetite, and discharge from the nose or eyes. This is brought on by bacteria and your cavy(guinea pig) should be taken to your vet for antibiotics.

Guinea Pig Health Care

Lack of vitamin C can cause scurvy in a cavy.

While other mammals are able to manufacture their own vitamin C both humans and guinea pigs are unable to do so. So we must get it from our food. Lack of this vitamin will cause scurvy in humans as well as cavies. Symptoms will include easily bleeding gums for no reason. There can be swollen and stiff joints resulting in difficulty and reluctance to moving. The ribs can be swollen and painful.

Even though the vitamin is supposed to be included in pellets that particular vitamin can be damaged by poor storage techniques. Foods with vitamin C need to be included in the diet like vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, broccoli, celery, spinach and fruits such as apples.Scurvy can cause death in a cavy if you suspect it may be scurvy take your pet to the vet for a diagnosis and an injection of vitamin C.

Common Mistakes People Make With Guinea Pigs


Lice make their home in the coat of the cavy and they and their eggs will be attached to the hairs. You can detect lice by combing through their hair they are small flat and brown, unless it's "running lice" which can be seen moving through the hair. The eggs of these lice appear as white or black specs on the hair. Other signs include excessive scratching by you cavy or sensitivity to being touched he might even display some irritation when you touch him.

An insecticide shampoo is usually prescribed. You bathe him and use the shampoo on him and it will get rid of the lice.The good news is it is usually transferred from pig to pig but if there is no infected pig around the chances are pretty remote that he will get it. Other good news is the lice that affect cavies don't affect humans.


Diarrhea can throw off their electrolyte balance and be fatal to them. Antibiotics will wipe out all the bacteria in the intestines including the good bacteria which will cause diarrhea or it could be you've fed him too many vegetables or wet food. If this is the case increase his hay intake.

In any case, especially if it's antibiotics, go to the health food store and get some acidophilus of lactobacillus in capsule form and feed the contents to your cavy. This will restore the good bacteria.

How to Take Care of a Guinea Pig

Pink or milky white urine

Normally they have clear white urine but if it is thick or solid white it can mean too much calcium in the diet so cut down. If it is pink or red it may be blood from bladder stones so take him to the vet.


Cavies will cough occasionally but if there is a lot of coughing and wheezing it's probably a respiratory tract infection. Bring him to the vet for treatment.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Guine Pig Information

The first thing that you need to know about breeding guinea pigs is that it always puts the female's life at risk. About twenty per cent of all sows die giving birth to their young. Also, stillbirths and abortion are very common. I spoken to several rescue shelter managers and guinea pig lovers who consider it unethical irresponsible to breed guinea pigs.
The main reason being that there are already too many cavies are need of homes and loving owners. If you are breeding because you think it would be "fun" for you and your kids, then I strongly you to reconsider. Many guinea pig owners have had the experience of looking in the cage one morning to find four piggies instead of one. It is even more surprising when they were convinced that they had adopted or bought a male.

All these factors need to be considered and thought over before you move forward with breeding. It is also very time consuming and will demand a lot of personal time from you. If you don't have the time to devote to this, then please don't do it.
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